Hire VH-UPG: $405 per VDO hour!
The rate may be changed without notice in future – check back here. Rates are reviewed at least annually, around January.
Instruction rates for David are:
- Ground theory briefings: $60 per hour
- Flight Instruction in Super Decathlon VH-UPG: $120 per VDO hour.
- Flight instruction in other aircraft: $160 per hour (from engine start to engine stop)
- Supervision of solo aerobatic training flights: 3000 ft AGL and 1500 ft AGL: $60 per hour
- Supervision of solo aerobatic flights – 1000 ft AGL and 500 ft AGL: $60 per hour (plus travel if applicable)
Rates for Part 141 flight instructor training endorsements are currently under review.
For flight examiner services (design feature, spin & aerobatic training endorsements) the rate is $75+GST per hour.
- Rates include GST (except where noted above) and apply to Moorabbin operations only. Contact David for rates at other locations – car travel at the ATO rate will apply to other airfields in the Melbourne area.
- Fuel is normally obtained from BP on UPG’s Carnet Card. Any fuel purchased by a pilot is reimbursed at the rate per litre of UPG’s Carnet Card account.
- Per normal practice, cancellation fees may be charged if the cancellation of a booking is not advised within 24 hours of the scheduled time other than due to operational reasons (e.g. pilot in command’s – instructor if dual, decision wrt weather etc) and other uncontrollable circumstances. Cancellation fee is 50% of the expected duration.
- Interest on overdue accounts at 12% p.a. applied monthly, cumulative.