Rates as from 1 March 2025

Hire VH-UPG: $420 per VDO hour!

There have been some significant cost increases over the last year. Reduction in the AUD vs the USD significantly increases maintenance costs especially the cost of an engine overhaul which is a provision in the direct costs. Annual fixed costs increased by $2000 in the last year – between insurance, hangarage and airport charges. Repairs following the engine induction fire.

The rate may be changed without notice in future – check back here. Rates are reviewed at least annually, around January.

Instruction rates for David are:

  • Ground theory briefings: $60 per hour
  • Flight Instruction in Super Decathlon VH-UPG: $120 per VDO hour.
  • Flight instruction in other aircraft: $160 per hour (from engine start to engine stop)
  • Supervision of solo aerobatic training flights: 3000 ft AGL and 1500 ft AGL: $60  per hour
  • Supervision of solo aerobatic flights – 1000 ft AGL and 500 ft AGL: $60 per hour (plus travel if applicable)

Rates for Part 141 flight instructor training endorsements are currently under review.

For flight examiner services (design feature, spin & aerobatic training endorsements) the rate is $75+GST per hour.

  1. Rates include GST (except where noted above) and apply to Moorabbin operations only. Contact David for rates at other locations – car travel at the ATO rate will apply to other airfields in the Melbourne area.
  2. Fuel is normally obtained from BP on UPG’s Carnet Card. Any fuel purchased by a pilot is reimbursed at the rate per litre of UPG’s Carnet Card account.
  3. Per normal practice, cancellation fees may be charged if the cancellation of a booking is not advised within 24 hours of the scheduled time other than due to operational reasons (e.g. pilot in command’s – instructor if dual, decision wrt weather etc) and other uncontrollable circumstances. Cancellation fee is 50% of the expected duration.
  4. Interest on overdue accounts at 12% p.a. applied monthly, cumulative.