Super Decathlon

The information on this page includes all the information that you will need to operate Super Decathlon VH-UPG. Note that where it states “Read all of these documents” it means “READ ALL OF THESE DOCUMENTS”.

Start at the top and work your way down – no shortcuts!

If you are doing a check-out in the Super D or a tailwheel endorsement you will need to complete CASA’s Single Engine Piston Aeroplane Endorsement Engineering, Data and Performance Questionnaire (modified).

Note also that UPG was previously registered as OPD (and originally NEL) and some documents here retain the old registration.

IMPORTANT: It is a legal requirement for pilots to comply with the Airplane Flight Manual so it takes precedence over the Operating Manual but you will need both. There are errors in the Operating Manual especially regarding weight and balance. There are other differences between the AFM and the Operating Manual.

Pilots will need to sign the hire agreement at the bottom of this page prior to access to the aircraft. Note the dual check requirements:

VH-UPG Photos

To get started in UPG run through the checklist below (supported by the Airplane Flight Manual AND the Operating Manual) to familiarise yourself with the controls and systems shown in these photographs.

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Fuel Tank Cap
Looking into the Cabin
Centre of the Instrument Panel
Instrument Panel - left side and centre
Aileron shroud removed
Front Seat
Rear Seat
Cabin Left Side
Under the Panel
Cabin Entry
Instrument Panel
Electrical Panel
Fuel Quantity
Fuel Tank Cap
Looking into the Cabin
Centre of the Instrument Panel
Instrument Panel - left side and centre
Aileron shroud removed
Front Seat
Rear Seat
Cabin Left Side
Under the Panel
Cabin Entry
Instrument Panel

An excellent series of short videos for those new to the Super Decathlon:

This is how you do up the Hooker aerobatic harness from the guys who make them.

Note that we don’t wear parachutes so we will probably not need to jettison the door.

Super Decathlon VH-UPG Checklists and Notes

Read all of these documents.

Airplane Flight Manual – VH-UPG

Read all of these documents.

Operating Manual – VH-UPG

Read all of these documents.

Avionics VH-UPG

Powerplant Instruments VH-UPG

Check out the MVP-50P at

Functionality includes engine MP, RPM, oil temperature & pressure, ammeter, voltmeter, fuel pressure, fuel flow, estimated fuel remaining, OAT, accelerometer (G), engine time and flight time. Detailed operating instructions are provided below.

Lycoming Engine Manual

Guide to Starting the Engine

Ground Operations in Hot Weather – Vapor in the Fuel System

Insurance & Rental Documents

Certificate of Registration

Certificate of Airworthiness

Noise Certificate

Aircraft insurance policy for VH-UPG & VH-HEZ from 6/12/24.

Read this document below to understand the insurance requirements and the rental agreement.

Finally, you will need to complete and sign the hire agreement below to fly UPG (unless with David Pilkington) and to make bookings.